Constructing SEO-Friendly Heading Element Tag

SEO-Friendly HeadingsThe Heading is Meta Title equivalent in the body or content of the page. Semantically, it gives a brief description of the succeeding content. It also controls the flow of topics in a single document page. In search engine optimization ( SEO ), having to hit a keyword within the heading gives little points for the page in terms of relevance. This is because headings are emphasized in the page more clearly than other words in the content.

There are six types of html headings, h1, h2, . . . , h6. They are hierarchically organized in terms of size, h1 being the greatest and h6 being the least. The actual sizes of headings depend on the browser being used. Unless specified, the attribute of headings has a left-align default value.

Here are some points to consider in constructing headings in HTML documents:

  1. Do not use headings to change the font or emphasize a certain keyword in the document. You can use the FONT and STYLE attribute for this purpose. A simple CSS code could also be used. Heading should hit your target keyword but not excessively. You can ideally place one keyword per heading. Do not use headings with a string of keywords.

  2. Your heading should exist or be discussed thoroughly in the succeeding content. Headings are comparable to newspaper headlines being modified to hit a certain keyword for SEO purposes.

  3. Whenever possible, do not use the same type of heading within a single HTML document. You can use the other one or two headings to support the first heading (or main topic) of the document. You can also have a separate page to discuss another heading of the document

  4. Innovate for a catchy heading for your visitors and readers. Excite the imagination and capture the interest of your reader so they can spend more time on your page. This will result to additional points for your site and decrease the bounce time a particular visitor arrived at your site.
Constructing SEO-Friendly Heading Element Tag Constructing SEO-Friendly Heading Element Tag Reviewed by Unknown on 10:50 AM Rating: 5

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