- On-Site Optimization
- On-Page Optimization
- Off-Site Optimization
On Site SEO and On Page SEO Integration is essential to Your Site’s Success. This Integration occurs with the following items which are an Integral Part of the Profit Marketer Core SEO Plan of Action.
1. XML Sitemap. Your Blog’s XML Sitemap is Created with the WordPress SEO Plugin and the exact Steps and Settings for this are highlighted in the Blog Optimization Secrets Course.
2. Title, Meta Description, and Meta Keyword Tags. Also a Part of the WordPress SEO Plugin. These Tags allow us to tell the Search Engines what are Blog is about and how they should Classify it. This will be covered more when you are implementing the WordPress SEO Plugin in the Site Base Plugins section, not to mention other subsequent training.
3. Open Graph Meta Title, Description, and Content Type. Google and Bing have integrated Social Media into their Search Algorithms, Primarily with Facebook using Facebook’s Open Graph API technology. Using Social.FM and the WordPress SEO Plugin, we now have the ability to fully Integrate Open Graph into our WordPress blogs and use it to not only enhance Ranking in Google and Bing, but to increase Facebook Edgerank as well. This will be gone over in detail in the Base Plugins section, the Advanced Social.FM Plugin training, and Facebook training sections.
4. Robots.txt file. This text file in the Root of our Domain allows you to tell the GoogleBot and other Search Engine Spiders how to Index Your Blog Content. Implementation Instructions are below.
5. Server and Hosting Setup/ Site Optimization. There are a lot of different setups and software which can be run to Optimize Your entire Hosting and WordPress site setup and its integration. We use several tools in Profit Marketer to maximize this without knowing Your current setup. As every Hosting account is different, it is important to note that each one of the settings on Your site’s Caching Plugin’s settings can and will be different to a certain degree (based on Server Settings and software). We have attempted to optimize this as much as possible on a Baseline level which will work for everyone as much as possible.
*In the Blog Optimization Secrets Course we use a selection of different Plugins and Services to Optimize Your Blogs on a Baseline level. Further Optimization at the Server Level can be made through Server and Hosting Professionals.
6. WordPress Theme. Your Theme has a lot to do with the SEO and Speed Optimization of Your site. Some themes are lightweight and run faster than others, yet are hard for Search Engines to navigate through and spider, while others may be lightweight, yet have complicated code that hurts Your SEO. This is hard to determine for the Average user, thus it is important to find a middle ground. You want your Page Load times to be under 10 seconds. Under 5 seconds is Better, Under 2 Seconds is Optimal but not always possible.
7. Categorization and Organization. By streamlining Your site with a Simple set of Categories with a maximum of 3 levels beyond Your Top Level Categories, You can have a better site structure for Search Engines to Spider. What makes this even easier is if You Create Pages which Outline Your Category structure for Visitors and then make these pages Index, Follow pages for Search Engines to easily Navigate through your site. *This is an enhancement, but by no means is it required. By creating a Silo like structure where you use Base Categories and Sub-Categories based specifically on Keywords, you can increase the Amount of Pages in Google and other Search Engines and their subsequent Rankings as well. This will be covered more in the Keyword and Niche Research course.
There are 3 Parts to your On-Page Optimization. On-Page meaning what visitors will see as Content on your site. Some of this optimization will be done with Plugins as well as through your actual Content Posts.Part 1: Titles, Content Formatting, and Keyword Optimization.
Post and Page Titles play a big part in your Blog’s SEO. By having Optimized Titles based on Primary and Long Tail Keywords, you can increase the probability of a higher Ranking for your blog posts and pages in the Search Engines. This must be coupled with a common sense approach to what people want to see when they are looking for content when Searching with Google and other Search Engines. If your Title is highly optimized for Search, yet lacks any substance, people will not click on the links to come to your site. If you address the needs of the potential visitor by telling them you have the answer to their questions in your content, then they will click more often than not. For example, you can have a Post you are writing which is focused on the Keywords “Dog Training” and you are using a long tail phrase for the Post (facts about dog training). You then should make your Post Title more compelling by adding in an additional phrase which will address a potential visitors needs or curiosity and have your Post titled something like, “20 Little Known Facts About Dog Training”. Numbers are always good to use, but can be overused. Do not use them for everything, but people react to numbers because they assume that some fact checking was done to come up with them. The bottom line is that Titles are a Critical Part of your On Page Optimization and need to be well thought out before simply writing them.The formatting of your Post and Page Content is important in structure and in how Keywords are used. These formatting enhancements can help in your Content’s ability to get indexed and ranked more effectively. Heading Tags (known as H1 and H2 Tags) need to be used effectively to highlight Keywords that you are focusing on in your Post. By adding in H1 and H2 Tags (always use just one H1 Tag and then follow that with One or more H2 Tags in your Posts in a Category > Sub-Category fashion (like you see on this page). Most New Themes will show your Post Title as an H1 Tag by default (Check Your Theme).
Therefore all you need to do to add H2 Tags and either input them into a Posting Template or to go into each Post with the WordPress Post Editor and highlight the Text Title you want to use and then in the Editor WYSIWYG Tools, use the Drop Down Text manipulator to choose “Heading 2″ and that will input the H2 Tag. An example of an H2 Tag that you create yourself is in the HTML section of your Editor:
Target Keywords
The purpose behind doing this is to show Google what the important keywords are for the Post/ Page. You can also use BOLD text to bring keywords to Google’s attention. For pages or posts that you create which are built as SEO Focused Content, it is important to have a 1-2% Keyword Density for your Primary Target Keywords and to also use Related Keywords as well in order to maximize the Post/ Page’s individual SEO Value.*You can do this easily by going to and use their Free Tool and for easily adding Related Keywords to your Post Content, I recommend using the Free WordTracker FireFox Plugin: SEO Blogger. If you don’t use FireFox for browsing the web I advise you to at least use it for this Tool and another 2 others at the bottom of the page. For in Post SEO Fine Tuning, I highly suggest the Easy WP SEO Plugin.
**This will all be gone over in more detail in the Advanced SEO and Content Sections throughout Profit Marketer and the following Steps here in this course.
Part 2: Tags and a Focused Inner Linking Strategy
The New and Advanced Algorithm that Google is using wants to be told what content is important on your site. By identifying which Posts/ Pages on your site are your Money Pages or most Important and Productive Posts/ Pages, you can tell Google that these locations are the most important on your site and that they need to Rank the highest in Search Results. Not every Post can be a money maker, so you will have to learn how to Identify this. You can do this by creating links to those locations (Posts/ Pages) from other Posts on your site, thus creating focused inner links. Even though you want to have inner links that link every Post/ Page together (and I will explain that more below), it is important that your Posts/ Pages which have the most Inner Links Pointing to them are your best or most productive Posts or Pages on your site. With every Post you create on your blog, you concentrate on Keywords and Focus with this Inner Linking Strategy and you then tell Google which of these pages are the most important ones on Your site. This process takes the longest to develop and do not worry about doing it instantly. Sometimes it can take 1-3 months to truly identify which Posts or Pages are going to be your most productive by virtue of the Niche your Blog is in. This is why Analytics are very important.In the meantime, we will use other Inner Linking strategies to get Google to Spider your Blogs right away. By using Tags in our Posts, we create a Network of Links on the Blogs we create. In the WordPress SEO Plugin and robots.txt settings section we will talk about Allowing both our Tag and Category Pages get Indexed. These are the Pages that WordPress creates when you add Tags to your Posts and when You create Your Categories. These Pages are dynamically created, just like Author and Date Based Archive Pages are when Tags and Categories are added. Previously, SEO made it so we did not want to allow Google to Index both our Category and Tag Pages (or our Author Pages), but now Google has adopted and has optimized its Algorithm to work with the Canonical Tag in Our SEO Settings which Tell it the Content is ours. Google has also adopted a more heavy knowledge of how Blogs are Constructed and acknowledges that duplicate content within a Blog is NOT considered duplicate content by the GoogleBot, but just an extension of the current WordPress Blog Structure. Now the GoogleBot indexes sites twice as fast as before and because of the Advanced Architecture of the GoogleBot’s knowledge, it will readily bypass duplicates which carry your site’s Canonical Tag which we set in Our WordPress SEO Plugin settings.
Using this and the Google Author Profile relationship tagging, we can ensure Google has Trust in our Blogs and Ranks them accordingly.
*Note: Your Keywords must be diverse and you must use not just your Primary Keywords, but you must also use your Related Keywords. Too much focus on one or 2 Keywords will get your site devalued for Keyword over optimization.
Part 3: Add Relevant External Links to your site.
In order for Google to categorize and classify your site, it is best to tell Google what your site is about instead of letting Google decide for itself. How? By placing relevant external links on your site. I DO NOT Recommend using Your Blogroll for this, use direct placement on Specific Posts or Pages. Google will primarily index or follow the first 100 Links it comes to on each Page of your site and Menu Links, Banner Links, and Blogroll Links count as well, not to mention tracking URL’s that may be in the code of your dynamically generated WordPress post pages (this is a common estimation and not an exact count). The GoogleBot will end up going through all the links on Your Page, but the more links You have on each page and the slower your pages load, the shorter the amount of time the GoogleBot will stay on your site and the less total pages will get Indexed. Google’s processing time at Your site comes into play here and You will be able to tell from this how important every aspect of SEO is and how On Site and On Page Optimization blends together. You have to be smart about how you do it. Each theme is different and with some themes this may not be an issue, but if you have 40 Menu Links on your Page between all of your Menu’s, Categories, Recent Posts, Recent Comments, Tags, etc.; you could have all the links checked before Google gets to the ones you want it to and then this could affect your overall Indexing numbers and Rank in the Search Engines.Do a Google Search for your site’s Primary Keywords. Then, check your competition and find the site’s with the Highest Pagerank and then add between 5 and 10 of those site’s links randomly through your site over the first Month to 2 Months you are building Your Blog. This will help show your Blog’s relationship in the Niche you are working in and the Authority these links have will actually increase your Blog’s Rank. The worst thing you can do is to NOT have any External Links from other related sites on Your Blog. External Linking has gained a tremendous amount of power in SEO and is why we also recommend Curating content and using attribution links to do it.
*Linking goes both ways, don’t confuse adding External Links to Your Blog with building Backlinks to it.
Part 4: Use Unique High Quality Content.
Google, Bing, and other Search Engines are focusing on Content more and more. Duplicate Content sites are being Slapped and devalued in the Search Rankings more and more every day. Understanding that your success will be based on bringing Value to your sites is a Critical Part of the SEO process. This can be done by creating 100% Unique High Quality Content for your Sites. This can be done through creating the content yourself, outsourcing, or through Spinning pre-existing content and making it Unique. A Uniqueness Factor of 70% or more is needed to Rank Content and 80% or better is required in order to maintain Rankings over the long term as Google and Bing will only continue to seek out sites which use Duplicate Content. Your site’s success will be based on the Value you bring to the Market. Without creating Value, the chances of success in this very competitive Marketplace (regardless of the Niche) are minimal.
Off-Site Optimization focuses on continuing to show Google what is important on your Blog and guiding Google to your Money Pages/ most productive Posts/ Pages is an essential for success. This of course means Backlinks. In later courses here in Profit Marketer (Normal and Social Traffic) we will go over the best ways to build Backlinks for a Focused Traffic Strategy. Not all Backlinks are created equal and Authority is what is required in order to truly build the type of Traffic from Search and other sources which is required for success. Building relevant backlinks to your site that have Authority is important. Just blasting away with a Comment Spammer will not yield the long term results that your Blogs will require for success and could actually hurt Your sites (as opposed to helping them). It is actually better to start slow, then to build backlinks fast in the current Search Engine Optimization environment.SOCIAL MEDIA SIGNALS
A new ingredient in Search Engine Optimization is the addition of Social Media Signals from your sites. Google and Bing both have included Social Media Signals into their Ranking Algorithms. What this means is the amount of Content which is shared from your sites and/ or Comments which are made via your site’s content will also be a huge determining factor in the Ranking of not just your individual sites, but also in the Social Media Accounts you create. Facebook Fan Pages, Google Plus Postings and Business Pages, Twitter Account Content Postings, LinkedIn Content, YouTube and Vimeo Video Content, and more; all can and will be Indexed by Google and Bing and are an Essential Part of your SEO Plan of Action. More information will be covered on this in subsequent training.PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER
Now as you continue on through the subsequent Sections and Modules there will be a substantial amount of detail on how to execute the above Profit Marketer SEO Plan of Action for your Blogs. Using all the Facets of SEO is the single most Critical part of your overall success, next to the actual Content and Profit techniques you use on your Blogs. Pay close attention through the rest of this process. This Plan of Action was created so that you can better understand why certain Steps, Plugins, and Processes are important throughout the Profit Marketer. This all can be very technical in some points, so we highly recommend going through every section in order to fully understand the flow of these processes and how they are integrated.'*A FireFox Plugin which can help by evaluating your Blog’s SEO Score as you implement the technique outlined here is the Free SEO Doctor Plugin. We use it as a tool for identifying issues with sites and as a measuring stick for where we want our Blog’s SEO score to be. I try for an 85% Rating or higher on all sites.
**Google’s Webmaster Tools is the Best Overall Evaluation tool for Identifying how effective Your SEO Plan of Action is working.
The Robots.txt file is a file which when placed into the Root of your domain helps to tell Search Engine Spiders and other Bots how to treat the content on your site in terms of what they should or should not access or index. By telling Search Bots like the GoogleBot to stay away from some parts of your site and to focus on others, you can increase the amount of focused Indexing the Bot does while at your site and you can also decrease the amount of time wasted on content which is administrative in nature or not important to the Search Engines (or Private). The Robots.txt file that I have included for you here is important for telling the GoogleBot and other Search Engine spiders who visit your site how to index or not index your site. This file will give important instructions to the Search Engines and keep them from indexing the content and files that you do not want them to see like Your wp-admin and wp-content folders where Your Plugins reside. Download it and upload it to your Blog in the ROOT of the Domain ( This Robots.txt file supplements the Virtual Robots.txt file that is generated by WordPress and then added to by the WordPress SEO Plugin. It is OK to add to the robots.txt file but do not remove any content as it is built to work in concert with the other Plugins and settings outlined in Proft Marketer.*Note: You must open the Robots.txt file, then Copy and Paste the information into a Text file. Then Save the file as: robots.txt. Then upload it to the root of your domain on your server. Download it via the Link in the Resources Section below.
** You do not need to do this if you installed your Blog using one of our Clone Blogs with WP Supervisor. This Step has already been done for you Automatically.
- SEO Quake (for Firefox)
- WordTracker FireFox Plugin: SEO Blogger
- SEO Doctor Plugin
- Free SEO Tools
- Easy WP SEO Plugin
- Robots.txt File Download (Click Save As to download this file. Otherwise it will simply pop up in Your browser window.)
- Ping List (Click Save As to download this file. Otherwise it will simply pop up in Your browser window.)
In the Content Evolution Course we talk in detail about developing your written content. Here we show you how to work on the Search Engine Optimization side of things to enhance the process for more profits.While it might seem tedious, the following Step by Step process will not only help get your blog posts Indexed quickly, it will also help your blog posts rank higher in the search engines than they normally would have. By fine tuning our approach to posting new content, we can optimize everything on our blogs. When you optimize every Post, your entire Blog benefits by achieving a much higher ranking because the perceived value of your content is much higher. Google’s latest Algorithm is looking for valuable content and as was discussed above and in the Core SEO Course; we want to TELL Google what to Rank us for and with what Keywords. Here is where we begin this process.
Step 1: Identify Topic and Related Keywords
To start off you need to Identify your Target Topic. This should always be based on either Your Primary Keywords or Keywords Related to Your Blog that you came up with in Step 2. Understand that you do not have to use this if you are building a general purpose blog or a blog that has a large range of topics, but even then, you should identify your target Topic and Identify the Topic’s main keywords. Why? As we said above, if you want to Rank your Post, you need to look at the best words to use in the content of the post for Ranking. I am not talking about writing gibberish, I am talking about using targeted keywords inside your Post Content which will provide you with a 1-2% Keyword Density inside the content. Plus, you can then enhance this even more by using Keywords that are related to your Targeted Keywords.For Example: My article is about “Dog Training”. When I write my article, I use a tool like the Firefox SEO Blogger to track my Keyword usage or you can go to and paste in your article to see what the density is. If you are using the Keywords “Dog Training” too much in the article, like at 3% or higher, then you need to tone it down and use Related Keywords. These Keywords might be something like “Pet Training” for example. Look at Synonyms and other words which mean the exact same thing as your Targeted Keywords in order to keep from hitting Google’s over optimization penalty. This will also make your content more readable which is an essential part of the process as well.
This is not a guessing game though. We want to know what the keywords are right away. This is why we use tools like Niche.FM, Google, and tools like Market Samurai to help us Research for the best and most profitable keywords and niches.
To be able to do all of this inside WordPress, you need to know your SEO Score and Keyword Density before you ever Click on Publish. I recommend using Tools Like WP Easy SEO for accomplishing this. These tools allow you to computer and see exactly what your Post’s SEO Score will be before you ever even Publish your content. A very crucial element in the entire process.
*Note: When writing any Post Article, regardless if you are adding Video or Pictures, make sure your Post Content has at least 400 Words. If you have less from time to time with Video Posts, this is OK, but in the beginning stages of Blog Development, Content Articles will be what puts your Blog on the Map and without 400+ Words in each Article, this will be very difficult to achieve. At the bottom of the WordPress Post Editor there is a Word Counter that will always tell you exactly how many words you have added to your Content for that particular Post. Some recent trends in SEO have shown that articles which are 500 words and above rank better, longer than shorter length articles.
Step 2: Title SEO
We are not writing our Titles in until we fully understand what our best Keywords are. You can have your Post Mostly written before you come up with the Perfect SEO Title which isn’t SPAMMY. I consider the Titles of my Blog Posts to be the most important. Titles are what Google will Rank your Posts with initially. When people do searches in Google, they are going to find your Post Title and it will be based on the relevance of the Post Content. This is why both must go hand in hand. Optimizing your content will then help you optimize your Post Title using the best description, yet simultaneously eye catching Title.Titles need to grab viewers attention. Titles are why people click. This is why topics like Top 10, Top 20, Top 100 Lists get so much search traffic. They are what people are searching for. If you know your Target Market, then you should know or research what they are searching for. Understanding this, will help you create better content and better Titles. You can’t just use something like “Dog Training” for a Title. You need to look at the competition and Related Keywords in the Niche. Then form it into a Title. ”Top 10 Dog Training Tips and Tricks”. This Title uses 2 highly searched terms. Top 10 and Tips and Tricks. While these are searched for often, they might not be low competition or easy to Rank for in the Niche market you are trying to Rank for.
*Note: Remember, this is on a per Article, Per Post basis. Your next Post might be on a completely different subject and require you to do everything here again for that specific Post.
**Content Development and Research is a key part of the equation. Do not forget to go through the Profit Triggers course here before writing any new content.
Step 3: Wordpress SEO Meta Input
This step is simple. While all of this SEO stuff and Keywords are still fresh in the Post Editor, drop down below the editor to the WordPress SEO input form. Add in your Meta Title, Description, and Keywords for each and every Post that you write. Don’t rely on the automated settings that we use in the Plugin settings unless you are in a hurry or don’t have time. Google will use it’s own Description and based on the settings I provided to you in the WordPress SEO Plugin settings, your Title will be used as the Meta Title. Optimizing each title makes for better overall SEO.Meta Title: No More than 70 Characters. Wordpress SEO says 65.
Meta Description: Use a Primary and Related Keyword Description. No More than 155 Characters.
Meta Keywords: No more than 20. Google does not use Meta Keywords, but other Search Engines Still do.
Open Graph Title: Add a New, different Title here, similar to the original, but for Facebook use. If you want to use the same Title you can, but it helps slightly if it is different and focused on getting a response from Facebook users.
Open Graph Description: Same thing as above, but different as well. Focus on a short version which might get Facebook users to interact with your content.
Step 4: Categories and Tags
Categories: Now that we have ensured our Meta Tag information has been input and we are on solid SEO ground there, we now need to enhance this by properly assigning our Post to the correct Category/ Categories on our Blog. As discussed at the top of this page, you can now also assign your Post to a Custom Taxonomy if you created any. Do not think this is mandatory. If you have a small 5-10 first level category structure and then have multiple 2nd Level and 3rd Level categories that branch off the Top Level, then you are fine as we said earlier.Tags: When you identified your Primary and Related Keywords in the previous steps, you now can use those Keywords as Tags. This will help with allowing visitors to find the content they want easily on your site, but more important than that, Tags are recognized by Search Engines as primary identifiers of content types. This will help you tell Google what your content is about. But even better, with using the Simple Tags plugin that we installed in the Site Optimized Module, you now will create an automated inner linking structure on your Blog based on the Keywords you use as Tags. To help this even more, you can use the API’s of Yahoo, Zemanta, and Open Calais to let their API Engines scan your content to identify even more Keywords you might not have identified yourself during your research and now you can simply click on these Recommended Tags and add them to your Post or you can use the Auto Tagging features of Tag.FM and its Technorati Tag enhancement feature to do all this for you. Remember that we only want around 8-10 Tags per Post. Some people recommend 10-15, but I have found that this actually degrades the effectiveness of Tag usage on Blogs.
The Final Step: Publishing
Now that you have done all of that, it is time to click on the Publish button or if you are creating multiple Posts, you can schedule this Post for a future date. You are now SEO Ready. Please remember to use the Content Development Tools from the Content Evolution course in each Post You create.BLOG INDEXING STEPS AND RULES: (DO NOT BUILD LINKS YET!)
- Install WordPress (via WP Supervisor)
- Make sure Your Blog’s Privacy Settings are ON.
- Configure all Plugins and Settings (ensure the SEO Plugin Settings are Complete)
- Turn Your Blog’s Privacy Settings OFF. (So Search Engines can see your site.)
- Go to Your Blog’s SEO Plugin Dashboard and Rebuild the XML Sitemap. (If You are using a different Sitemap Plugin, Rebuild Your Sitemap with it instead.)
- Begin Building Your Blog: Add themes, Configure Essential Pages, Make Changes, Add Categories, etc.
- Post Your First Post (Follow the Steps outlined in Step 2 course. Begin the Classification Process).
- Continue to Post New Content during the Classification Process for 2 weeks before You build any Links at all. Your Ping List (Update Services), XML Sitemap, and SEO Plugin Settings will allow Your Blog to Get Indexed Naturally. (This does not include Social Links. You may post content to Facebook, Twitter, and other Social Sites you have accounts with (not blogging sites).
- Begin adding External Links to Authority Sites in Your Niche to Your Blog in Blog Posts as Per the SEO Plan of Action (Step 1).
- DO NOT POST MORE THAN 1 Time Per Day and NO MORE than 5 Posts in 7 Days for the first 3-4 Weeks. The best average is to have 6-8 total posts published in the first 3 weeks.
*Do Not add more than 2-3 “NoFollow” Cloaked Affiliate Links to Each Post During this Timeframe. Yes, you may add, advertisements to Your site, but NOT Google Adsense until at least Week 3. Google uses the MediaBot to dig into your content and you do not want Google to give your site a “Quality Score” before you are ready.
**When creating your site add it to Google Webmaster Tools, Bing, and Yahoo sites as described in the WordPress SEO plugin settings video in the Blog Optimization Secrets course. Add your Sitemaps to these services as well. This is not a required step by any means but it will enhance your ability to track your blog’s indexing and rank more effectively.
***Google is looking at new sites a lot harder than ever before. While it is easier to get your site indexed than ever, it can be hard initially to build a Trust relationship with Google and Bing. To do this effectively, follow the plan outlined here.
*Some of this might look familiar if you have been an ABB/ Blog Optimized Member previously as it has grown from those older products.STEP 1.
Do not start hammering away on building backlinks right away on a new site. Take your time. Read the Backlinks from Hell PDF and learn from it. It is important to not go crazy. Slow and steady wins the race here. This is a Marathon, not a Sprint. Meaning, your site is a long term project and not a one month wonder. Treat it with respect and it will make you a lot of money. Do not build any links to your Blog for at least 3 weeks. Then we can move forward. Having a base of Content on your Blog, 6-8 posts, is a great way to get started.STEP 2.
1. Press Releases. Submit Your main Domain Name to at least 20 Press Release Submission sites (You can do up to 50). This type of Promotion is also a part of our Natural Site Progression and we want Google to see we are continuing with a Natural pattern of Promotion as well by Announcing our New Site.For Your Press Release write a general announcement about the New Launch of your site. Talk it up and make it seem like more than it is. After all you just launched. Press Releases often get syndicated by a lot of sites, thus you could garner quite a few backlinks from a single submission. I recommend submitting to the Press Release outlets with the exact same Press Release. Do not spin it. Use your Primary and Related Keywords in your Article as well. You will be using just your primary domain name url for this.
2. Directory Submissions. Start submitting your site to Mid-to High PR Directories(PR3-PR7). Start at Week 3, but spread this out over 3-4 weeks. For Example, if You have a list of 1000 Directories, submit to 2-300 per week only to maintain the Natural Link Building pattern.
*For Directory Submissions, change it up and rotate your Primary and Related Keywords so that when or if these Links get indexed, Google can then get a good handle on your site Classification and Categorization right away. Do Not be surprised if more than half of Your Submissions do not get classified as backlinks. Do Not Ping these Directories as we are looking for slow progression here at first.
*We Recommend using Directory Maximizer for High PR Directory Submissions at $.14 each. They have now optimized their service for Google’s Penguin Update for even better results from your submissions.
Social Media Signals. By quickly automating your site’s Backlinking from your Blog, you will quickly see a return on your investment. Part of this technique can be done for Free, the other part is purely software based, but I recommend it. Social Media is a must for promoting your Blog, whether it is through Backlinks or the Social Media channels that bring your site traffic by virtue of your submissions. Social Media can sometimes Rank and get you more traffic than normal SEO methods.*Note: This is for enhancing Backlink Building and sending out small Social Media Signals only. This Technique Outlined below is strictly for building a base for your Social Media Signals and is NOT to be used for Your Facebook or Google Plus Accounts.
1. Social Media Signals. Google is now highly focused on Social Media Signals and New high value content. It is important to use Social Media in order to get Google’s attention because it is what Google is looking for. Facebook and Twitter play a big part in this, but initially when starting out you do not want to go over board with SOcial Media. Take a tempered approach in this and you will be way more successful.
We recommend also watching the Unleashing Social SEO Webinar.
The Technique:
Submit random URLs to Social Bookmarking services on a Daily basis. If you can use software like SENukeXCr or similar tools like SocialAdr listed below, this will help make the process easier. Submit 1-3 URL’s to 10-20 Bookmarking services each day, rotating the URLs and never using the same descriptions or Titles/ Anchor Text. Vary everything to make it appear more random. This Step is mainly to get Google to visit your site more often as it is being built over the initial stages and should be continued if possible over the life of the blog. When people bookmark your site it tells Google there is Social interest in your site and will rank you higher than normal initially. Do not over do this. Continual massive spamming of Bookmark sites at a heavier volume may send negative signals to Google. Keep the flow at the rate we have here. If it picks up naturally, that is good, but if it does not, keeping this level will help maintain your good status with Google. Randomization and Diversity are keys to success.*You can setup auto posting to Web 2.0 sites like Tumblr and Posterous as well, but it is recommended to use content not already posted on your blog to do this. Spun Content of at least 70% value can be used to do this as well.
If you have limited time, you can setup your blog to Auto Post to Facebook and Twitter. It is recommended that you use a more manual approach when using them, but sometimes time is limited and auto posting is a lot better than not posting at all. Ther are tools below which can help with creating a combination of manual posting and auto posting by creating scheduled posts to both Social Networks.
Services and Tools Which Automate this Process in Different Ways are:
- SocialAdr – Free and Paid Versions
- MarketMeSuite (allows You to Keep Your Site Branding)
- LinksAlpha
- HootSuite
*Remember, Social.FM has both automated Twitter and Facebook Posting capabilities if You choose to Auto Post as opposed to Manual posting to these services as described above.
2. Podcasting. By adding Speech Capability to Your Blog, you can also Syndicate Your Content via Podcasts and You don’t have to speak a word.’s Convert Blog to Podcast Free Service will make Your Blog Podcast enabled with the Integration of the WordPress Plugin. Then use the iTunes Submit a Podcast tool (You must have iTunes on Your Computer to do this) and Submit Your Podcast for Viral Traffic and a backlink from Apple and other High PR Podcasting sites like the ones listed below (there are a lot more out there).
Apple iTunes Podcast Submission: Submit a Podcast
- EveryPodcast
- Podcast Ferret
- Podcast Pup
- A Podcast Like That
- Podcast Sniper
- Podcast Blaster
*The Best Thing to do is also create a Page on Your Blog Advertising Your Podcast Feed. Then Promote this via Social Bookmarking and Your Social Media Sites, not to Mention Your Sidebar and/or Home Page.
**Note that doing Podcast’s Manually can be a lot of work, but can also help with Boosting Your Personal and Your Blog Authority. Gaining an Audience through Podcasting is getting to be more and more popular. Especially for those who do not like to do video.
3. Video Backlinks. By doing video and submitting Videos to Video Sites you can build good solid backlinks and also Rank your Videos rather quickly and at the same time build quite a following. It is up to you how you want to do Videos, but with a Free Video software tool like Cam Studio, Jing, ETC., you can create simple “Talking Head” Videos about your Blog Post and add Videos to each and every Post and then link back to your blog posts as well, thus creating a niche linking stream for your site which can help you build Social Interaction and community at the same time. YouTube videos rank very easily for almost all search terms.
*Doing Video and Recording it as Your Podcast at the same time is a great One-Two Punch which can really help your Backlink building, traffic, Social Interaction, and Help you Build a great Community around your Blog as well.
*If you want to simplify and Automate Video Submissions, the best site to do this with is: (also known as TubeMogul). Note that this service has strict TOS which states you are not to use for Affiliate Marketing. So I highly recommend simply using it for exactly what I stated above. Submitting Videos about Your Blog Posts. Now, if you want to really automate this process, you can use the Article Video Robot Service. This service will automatically create videos of any article content you give them and submit the Videos to numerous video submission sites. This all requires payment of course, but you can get 50% off via my old ABB Coupon Code: ABB50OFF
4. Pinterest. Pinterest is a great Viral tool for building backlinks and creating Viral traffic for your blog. All images on your Blog should be submitted to Pinterest and you should add Pinterest links to your content as well
Create a Pinterest account and create different Groups for each of your Blogs and you can create groups for different categories on your blog as well. If you have one main Authority site, then it should be easy. Add the Pinterest Bookmarklet to you Browser toolbar and every single time you create a new blog post, Pin it to your Pinterest Account. Name the Pin the same thing as your Blog Post Title. This will act as a great Backlink for your Blog, especially when just getting started as well as creating viral traffic for your site.
My system has largely been the same for almost 5 years. The only thing which has really changed are the tools I use and even some of them are the same. I consider this to be one of my greatest achievements because my system was ahead of its time and it still works even more effectively now than ever before. Why? Everything you see here is exactly what Google has always wanted. The only difference now is Google has changed their algorithm and have made these links even more powerful.Getting backlinks from other Niche sites which are in Your Niche and have Authority can boost your site’s rank quite a bit. You want to find Authority Sites in your Niche (which use similar Keywords and are Related in theme to your site) and attempt to Link from their sites to yours. Sometimes you can email and exchange links, use Blog Comments (that are NOT SPAM), use Forum Links, Web 2.0 Links, and Directory Links (not as valuable as they used to be). Getting links on EDU and Government Sites are a huge Plus as well and after Your Blog has established itself after several months, you should attempt to submit it to the DMOZ Directory.
Another great way to build great Targeted Backlinks is via Guest Blogging. 2 of the single best Networks you can work with to submit Posts are: and the new, massive Network of: Posts Genius
The Link Tree is one of the most powerful, yet hard to build Authority Link Building methods online. I have used Link Trees for over 4 years and found the technique outlined in a Blog Post. I then modified it for my own use and one of my old Members actually did a Process Map for it as Well.The Link Tree much like a Link Wheel (but way more advanced), is built to create Authority through multiple avenues, pushing links through Multiple High PR sites to your blog, eventually ending there, showing Google that your Blog is the source of choice for these particular Keywords. The Link Tree is built from an Algorithm which cannot be dissected by Google, yet which will continually help your Blog for years to come. The Link Tree does more than Build Backlinks, it Builds Authority. I have sites Ranking #1 for keywords which have 2 Link Trees built to them and nothing else. The problem is, Link Trees take a lot of time to build. This is why I recommend using the information here to hand off to an Outsourcer and pay someone else to do it for you.
First: Download the Process Map Above. Either Print the diagram out, or pull it up into PowerPoint or some other kind of Editor that will allow you to write over the Green, Blue, and Gray boxes. There are a total of 24 Boxes available and you will need to fill in each Box with a High PR Property that you can add an Article to and then be able to link back to each site that is required. Not all sites will let you do that.
While the Green, Blue, and Gray Boxes are Sites that you are going to submit to, the Arrows are the Linking structure that you will be required to complete. So it is best to Map it all out before you get started. It is important that everyone’s Link Tree is different to keep the Randomization factor High. In doing this Backlink Plan, you are actually completing Random Link Networks for your Blog.
Green Buttons are the backbone. They receive links from everywhere and are interlinked in a way that is virtually undetectable by algorithms. It’s called a Hamiltonian Path which is an NP-Complete problem. An NP-Complete problem is a problem that there’s no known exact algorithm to compute it, only approximates can be used. Keep in mind that because of some links going from the Green buttons into Blue ones, it kinda breaks the perfect Hamiltonian path, but if we weren’t to do that we would be left without further diversification and the benefits that the Blue (and Gray) buttons give us.Blue buttons are secondary sites which further strengthen the Green network, as well as link to inner pages of our main website.
Gray buttons are fillers that are not linked from anywhere in the network (although they can be). They provide some more strength for the entire network and act as some kind of distraction, since they’re neutral (not linked from anywhere).
Yellow arrows represent the links between the Green network.
Blue arrows represent the Hamiltonian Path which carefully directs the juice into the upper Green button, which should be the strongest site in your network. This website then links to your Main website.
Red arrows are links to your main website or pages from your main website. (In your case, these are links to your designated Money Pages. The Posts you want to Rank the Highest.)
Pink arrows randomly interlink your entire network.
- Fill in the Outline with 24 High PR “DoFollow” sites that will allow you to link this aggressively.
- Identify the 5 Main “Money Pages” you are using for Run #1 of this Technique and add them to your Outline. *Note the Star is your Site’s Sitemap, you won’t be doing anything with the Star.
- Either write 4 Articles or have 4 Articles written that all focus on your site’s Primary Keyword, yet also include 2-3 of your Niche’s Related Keywords. Use a Spinner like, The Best Spinner or Magic Article Rewriter to Spin your Articles to at least 70% Uniqueness. The articles need to be at least 400 Words long. Note: Make sure you Submit your Four 100% Unique Articles to sites in the Green Boxes as the Green Network is the Backbone of the Strategy.
- Take your 24 Articles and Identify where each Article is going to be submitted and use the Process Map below to build Your Tree. You will complete each link requirement to each site using the Primary and Related Keywords that you made sure were included in your 24 Articles.
- While you are submitting each Article, ensure you get the URL of the site and copy it down. If the site has an RSS Feed with your account on it, copy it and create a running list of your Articles RSS Feeds. Due to the Algorithm used here, you can do this in one day without Penalty.
- Once your linking is complete, you will take the RSS Feeds and input them into the Mixer at and create a single RSS Feed of all of your Articles. You can also use Yahoo Pipes for this for advanced usage.
- Now you will go to and Ping the RSS Feed. Do this once every two days during the first week after your initial submission and then once per week after that. This has now become the backbone of your Blog’s Linking Power.I recommend always creating Backlinks for Your Backlinks. This ensures they get indexed. The Link Tree Does not work unless all the links are indexed. I use the Backlink Indexer Service for doing this myself.
- Go through this process as much as you can with each site as it will continue to strengthen your Targeted Money Pages with Link Authority. I like to have at least 2 per Blog by Month 3. By this time you should be seeing the results of your first link building effort. Link Trees are built to Build Authority for Your Blog, not Links. Much Like a Link Wheel, but completely undetectable as a Process and does NOT leave any Footprint. Watch the Link Tree Setup Spreadsheet Video above.
You want to continue on a Random backlink building path using High PR properties and a mix of lower Pagerank properties and well to give your site a Natural backlink building path. You do not want to build all your links one way or on one type of site.Here is a quick technique I have recommended for years:
My Personal plan of action for using advanced software tools to build quality links to my sites and random links to build bulk backlinks after the Beginning Phase has Been Completed. You can vary this method. It does not have to be exact.
- I normally do the same thing for each promotion job, I take 4 Articles I would have written for me with a Keyword Density of 1-2% per article. I would ensure that all of my Primary and Related keywords were focused on the exact Posts/ Pages that I need those particular Keywords to Rank my listing in Google. My Articles will be a minimum of 500 words long (due to Article Directory Requirements and Google’s Indexing requirements).
- I take these 4 Articles and spin them in The Best Spinner (Discount Link). I auto Spin to at least 70% or more. I do not submit the Spun Articles to GoArticles and EZineArticles. I submit the original Articles to GoArticles and EZineArticles before I submit anywhere else. Then after 1 day, I begin submitting to 6-10 High PR sites using SENukeXCr each day on a schedule which ensures I am not promoting the same Keywords to the same Posts on any one day. This way all of my links are not built the same day. I do mass submissions, but I will work on 5-6 different Keyword promotions in one sitting using Link and Anchor Text Diversity. I create a new profile in SENuke for every Keyword Group I submit for. I also save the RSS Feed and Submission URLs that SENukeX Automatically saves for me. I combine the RSS Feeds into a single RSS Feed using the tool in SENuke, then I Ping the RSS Feed I created to aid in the Indexing process of the Articles I submitted using the SENukeXCr Indexing Module. This is very powerful.
- Simultaneously, I have 2 Articles written for me in the format required for the Unique Article Wizard. The UAW will take your UAW formated articles (because you write a couple versions to get 1 Article submission. A lot of times I use the UAW friendly MyArticleExpress and have my articles written for each. You don’t have to write a lot of articles for the UAW because one article will get sent out to over 900 Sites with your chose keywords linking back to whatever URL you select. So 1 Article per Blog is not a bad practice each month if you can afford it as a supplement to your normal Backlink plan.
- I now continue to keep my Blog Posts active by posting them to Social Bookmarking sites on a Random Schedule using Bookmarking Demon. You can use this or any other tool like that in SENukeX, or Social Adr as listed in the initial backlink steps above. Social Bookmarking is a great way to show Google Your site is actively being engaged by users and it is interesting to them. Social Bookmarking or using the Indexing Tool in SENukeX or by using Backlink Indexer as described above are great ways to get Your Backlinks Indexed fast and without calling too much attention to your blog. Remember, when using any Backlink Indexing service, do it slowly and randomly over several weeks, not days.
*This and occasional testing and random submissions keeps my Blog actively engaged as talked about earlier in this section.
**The Number #1 tool I have Recommended for over 4 years now is SENukeXCr. It is the only tool of its kind and it is updated weekly. New Versions are due to come out regularly and no other software tool online can compete with it. It is built to make building backlinks SAFE and EASY. You can use it for almost everything I outlined above.
***I also can’t stress enough how important it is to build Backlinks to your Backlinks. If your back links don’t get indexed, then they hold almost no value. This is extremely important and why I use a Service for this. That being said, I found a great Video by Michelle McPhereson which show you how to get the most out of this process. It is 14 minutes and so good I felt I should post it here rather than do my own video. See the Video above. In the Video, Michelle goes over using the Backlinks Indexer Service, Majestic SEO, and the ScrapeBox Free Link Checker.
- BackLinksIndexer
- MajesticSEO
- ScrapeBox – Free Link Checker
The Complete Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Recipe for Successful Internet Marketing
Reviewed by Unknown
10:56 PM

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